This post originally appeared as "Romping Around Dallas in Pink Blush" on our old blog Born to be a Bride.
Y’all. This trip to Dallas could not have come at a better time. Technically, we went to “check on” our condo down there, but the long weekend was mostly about catching up with friends and visiting some of our old favorites. Even though this Long Island girl has lived on the East Coast for all but 14 months of her life, the minute we touched down in Dallas, I felt at home.

Our perfect weekend began with wine and snacks at our dear friends’ home where we’d be staying. Their three-year-old and 16-month-old girls were snoozing, but awoke anxious to the see the baby in the morning. The littlest, Luci, can’t yet say baby, so she referred to Willow as “awwww” throughout the trip. Sweetest. Thing. Ever. And between her and her big sis Sofi, I was constantly reminded throughout our four-day stay that as much as I love the newborn stage, there are so many beautiful moments to come.
Valentine’s Day was a kid-filled extravaganza. We lazed around in the 80-degree sunshine morning in our jammies. My Casper-esque skin got a hint of color, but more importantly, the warmth. Gosh, this winter weather has been depressing, no? After coffee and breakfast tacos, we took the girls to a beautiful park and took turns with the camera snapping pics of each others’ families. Heaven.
I wore my new navy romper from Pink Blush, and it was a perfect selection for the day. This one also pairs easily with black tights and booties in case you absolutely cannot wait till spring to wear it. I washed mine in the machine with Dreft as I do everything I wear these days, for the sake of Willow’s sensitive skin. The buttons make feeding her in public easy, and it was just really fun wearing a piece of clothing I would pick whether nursing or not.
After the park, we headed Uptown for lunch at Gloria’s, our old favorite. The moment we crossed over into our former neighborhood, my eyes filled with tears. It wouldn’t be the last time this trip, but it was definitely the most poignant moment for me. What an amazing opportunity, showing our little this precious corner of the world that was home to her parents during such an important time.
I’ll blog the rest of the trip later once the photos have been narrowed down (!), but couldn’t wait to get this cute romper up for you ladies before they sell out. We’ll close on this note: if you ever have the chance to step outside your comfort zone and try a new, totally different home on for size, I highly recommend it. The year-plus that we spent in Dallas cultivated some of the fondest memories Josh and I have. I would never trade a moment of it, and will always call that city my second home.
