This post originally appeared on our old blog, Born to be a Bride.
Y’all know I have a passion for Pink Blush that started when I was pregnant. Their maternity stuff is seriously tops. Sometimes I wish I could go back and be pregnant again, if only for the adorable Pink Blush maternity maxi dresses I pranced around DC in all summer.
It brings me so much joy, though, to see my SIL, “Pookie” at almost six months along wearing my PBM favorites. And in a few years when I am crazy enough to go for another baby, I’m sure I’ll be hopping back over to the maternity section of the site. In the meantime, here are some of my current favorites from their women’s line.
This black embroidered neckline sheath is great for date night. Any time I’m out without Willow, I take advantage of the chance to not wear something that buttons down or is easy to nurse in. I love the easy, comfy fit of this one that remains sexy without hugging too tight to the body. Here, I’ve paired it with pearl studs and a vintage pearl ring of my grandmother’s, as well as a David Yurman silver and gold link bracelet. The off-white Mulberry clutch (several seasons old, sorry) and the beige Brian Atwood pumps are high-end pieces that bring a springy feel.
The button-back striped top is an everyday go-to. I love the length, which makes it totally appropriate to wear with leggings. Any other new mamas feel me on the need to wear leggings as pants nearly every day? The swing bottom makes it easy to lift up and nurse Willow in. I wore this on Easter Sunday to wander around DC with Josh, Willow, and my in-laws. It was comfortable in the heat and made feeding on the go a breeze.
Seriously, I cannot get enough of my pink scallop shorts (can you tell?). I wore them practically every day of our Dallas trip and was so stoked when the temperatures finally upped themselves on the East Coast so I could rock them for Willow’s first-ever park day, and many other occasions since. I was honored when PinkBlush featured me on their Instagram and Josh took some late-night balcony shots of these to send over. Willow was clearly not in the mood for a photo shoot, but you get the idea. Bonus? The black top I’m wearing here is also from Pink Blush; it’s actually a maternity and nursing top and it’s my all-time favorite purchase from them.

Pardon the mirror selfies but I was feeling cute these days and Josh wasn’t around to snap any pics. This white embroidered mini dress above features a cute cutout style in the back. As you can see, I was driving around a lot this day so it did wrinkle a bit but honestly I think this makes it a little more appropriate for daytime — it’s a casual, lived-in look. That said, for a night on the town this one can’t be beat with some great pumps. And it smooths right out if you hang it in the bathroom while you shower. I personally don’t wear a bra with it and have found that if the straps are loosened, I can easily nurse Willow in it. Score!

I’m not typically a strapless gal, but this floral frock caught my eye and I’m so glad I went for it. Despite the fancy, flattering fit it’s made of the softest material and you can wear it all day while running errands or plain old being a mom and you’ll still feel great. Not to drive home the point, but this one is also easy to nurse in, you just have to pull one side down. I wore it for brunch in Dallas with one of my dear friends and then up to Garland to visit another at her home. I love a frock that’s versatile enough to work for a chic meal and then let you sit around on the floor playing with babies afterward. For brunch, I paired it with black and cream Ferragamo low heels and my Marc Jacobs diaper bag. For the mirror selfie day, I ended up throwing on a pair of beat-up flats and heading to Target!
For my preggos, you can’t beat PinkBlush Maternity. And for the bride-to-be, there are so many pretty white frocks for all your upcoming events this summer and of course lots of honeymoon options. At reasonable prices, the styles can’t be beat. Happy shopping, ladies! Let me know what you get. xx