This post originally appeared on our old blog Born to be a Bride.
Someone was asking me recently how I see the theme of the blog moving forward. As much as I try to make it about weddings and style, I tend to get the strongest reactions on the personal pieces. I guess people just like to read real stories from real people with opinions about real life. As we move forward with phase two of the redesign (we amped things up a bit after going viral in January, but I’d really like to fine-tune now and make the site truly reflective of my personal style), I have a lot on my mind. I want to keep things personal and truthful, but infuse more into the visuals.

What is the future of Born to be a Bride? I’m seeing more personal essays and reflections, of course, a bunch of how-to’s (y’all email me often with questions and I’d ideally like to turn almost all of those into separate posts), and a rolling sequence that’s all about aesthetics. Stunning wedding canopies, bespoke cashmere blankets for babies, fancy-ing up a barbecue, and so on. The theme? Wedding/event planning as a point of view for everyday life. And vice versa, everyday life as inspiration for planning and designing your special events and special places. (And no, we are not talking about all super-expensive things. I love a bargain and I know you do, too).

Now that Willow is six months old, I’m hit with the painful realization that I have only as many months as she’s been here, until her first birthday. Planning her party is something I’ve thought about here and there since she was about eight weeks old, but as more ideas come to the surface I’m realizing that some of them are inspired by our wedding. And maybe someday if she gets married, we’ll draw inspiration from her childhood and memories to help shape the event. Or maybe not. We’ll do whatever Willow wants when she’s at that juncture in life. But I figure I have a good 20-plus years left to help her style the everyday. Up this weekend: a candy-pink trellis throw rug to add a welcome pop of girly color to the nursery, and potentially her first trip to Brooklyn in an expertly paired ensemble.

I make no apologies for my desire to make everyday life pretty. It’s why Josh and I won’t buy a coffee table and prefer to let our beautiful living room rug be its own statement. It’s why we toast random occasions with bubbly in wedding crystal and why I sneakily aim to coordinate almost every outfit with my daughter’s. A dash of lovely isn’t going to harm this home, that’s for sure. As long as Willow grows up understanding that the most beautiful thing about her is her heart, I have no qualms about surrounding us with special things. And of course, no qualms about enjoying them all while wearing sweatpants, either. Happy Friday, people!
