If you've got young children, you may feel that your beauty regime went out the window a long time ago. Becoming a mother is overwhelming in every way. It's not just the fact that we learn so much about ourselves and feel this rush of love; we also can feel emotional over the smallest things. Throw into the mix the fact that we don't have time to shower or do anything for ourselves, and our opinion of ourselves can go a bit downhill. When we feel like nothing fits us, or we feel like we're ugly, we have got to remember that there are things we can all do to feel better about ourselves.
Buy Something Stylish And Comfortable
Comfort is the name of the game. Most people invest in a maternity bra, and you will live in this for months because it gives you the lift you need and feels fantastic! There are so many stylish maternity bras out there, but this, in combination with an undershirt that hides a multitude of sins, will make you feel much better about looking in the mirror. NUMI undershirts help you to cover up things you don't feel so happy about, plus they can disguise those unsightly sweat stains!
Eat Right
It's so easy for us to snack on chocolate and treats that make us feel good about ourselves. But part of embracing our looks is about eating right so we can start to lose the baby weight but also feel better about ourselves. Eating right isn't about overdosing on salads; you can still eat healthy and hearty food but just realize when those temptations to snack on chocolate come up that you make a healthy swap.
Invest In Some Home Spa Treatments
It is impossible at this point to go out and indulge in a beauty regime. But give your child to your partner, run the bath, and do some DIY masks and peels, so your pores look fresh! You will see that radiant glow come back soon enough! And besides, when you lay in the bath for twenty minutes, this can be enough to rejuvenate you. Make sure you fill the tub with Himalayan pink sea salt, so you get all the minerals back into your body.
Get Some Dry Shampoo
Yes, we understand that there's not much of an opportunity to shower, especially during those first few months, so if you are trying to get out of the door on time to meet one of your other mother friends, dry shampoo is a godsend! It makes your hair look like new, and if you've decided to go for a nap rather than a shower when the baby is gone down for that all-important fifteen-minute nap, you can still look presentable!
We can feel downright ugly if we have not slept or haven't even been for a shower! Throw into the mix the fact that we haven't slept properly for weeks or months means that we can have a very low opinion of ourselves. At the very least, try a handful of these and see if it makes a difference. We're pretty sure that they will!